Apex Raises over $28K!

Apex Raises over $28K!


Starting in September, Apex Systems began a contest amongst some of their offices that stretched over 2 regions, 8 states & 14 cities. The goal for these offices was to compete with each other & collectively hit $21,800 to help 4 families, whose primary income earners were diagnosed with cancer and unable to continue working. Well, the campaign just wrapped up Nov 1st and they crushed this goal by nearly $7,000! So we will be helping more in need because of their generosity. We want to say a huge thanks to Doug Kenney & Scott Kennedy for believing in our mission and being such great advocates for families that need us. Thanks Apex Systems!

Atlanta restaurant matches all dollars spent by employees

TEXAS finishes at 138% of goal ($16,517 raised) and DELTA Region at 120% ($11,740 raised)

GROUP LEADERS (based on % of goal): 

  1. Austin & Fort Worth 238% ($9,744 raised)
  2. Nashville & Memphis 230% ($4,138 raised)
  3. Birmingham, Pens, N.O, Jackson, Huntsv ($3,143 raised)
  4. Houston, OKC, & Tulsa ($4,135 raised)
  5. Atlanta ($4,459 raised)
  6. Dallas ($2,638 raised)
(Above) Having fun at an Apex College Football Tailgate Fundraiser in Austin
Top Individual Champion, Katie, pictured next to TF founder, Tony


  1. Katie Thomas $1,286 Birmingham
  2. Kevin Stremsterfer- $1,017 Austin
  3. Vanessa Harper $887- Houston
  4. Aaron Key $706- Austin
  5. Taylor Fontaine $677 Austin
  6. Sara Kinard-Moyd- $620 Nashville
  7. Andrew Visintine $599- Austin
  8. Shea Cuthbertson $583 Austin
  9. DJ Linn $456 Fort Worth
  10. Brianna Halpern $438- Atlanta
  11. Christy Dennison $402 Austin
  12. Natalie Mason $394 Atlanta
  13. Tatiana Claros $378 Austin
  14. Ali Meurer $363- Austin
  15. Kelsey Bramlett $343 Nashville
  16. Callie Lohse $340- Houston
  17. Devonny Richey $339- Tulsa
  18. Ryan Peck $331 – Nashville
  19. Alicia Rhyne $323- Atlanta
  20. Andrew Mueller $310 Nashville
  21. Stephanie Brumley $288 Houston
  22. Nicole Hamlin $285- Austin
  23. Ricky Herrera $270- Dallas
  24. Kim Loberbaum $264- Birmingham
  25. Lindy Patterson $250- Austin
  26. Matt Player $250- Birmingham
  27. Eric Fillebaum $250- Birmingham
  28. Reece Belmondo $229- Nashville
  29. David Ricardo $225- Atlanta
  30. Sara Neumeier $220 Fort Worth
  31. Jon Giles $219- Dallas
  32. Kyle Flinn $219- Austin
  33. Julianne Reynolds $204 Birmingham
  34. Rachel Galvanin $204 Fort Worth
  35. Olivia Newman $202- Nashville
L to R: Kim raising big bucks on Instagram; Matt & Andrew helping us w/ a video; Julianne sending a sweet message to one of the families we helped
Luisa selling raffle tickets
Mtg w/ a great Apex team in Houston
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