Starting in September, Apex Systems began a contest amongst some of their offices that stretched over 2 regions, 8 states & 14 cities. The goal for these offices was to compete with each other & collectively hit $21,800 to help 4 families, whose primary income earners were diagnosed with cancer and unable to continue working. Well, the campaign just wrapped up Nov 1st and they crushed this goal by nearly $7,000! So we will be helping more in need because of their generosity. We want to say a huge thanks to Doug Kenney & Scott Kennedy for believing in our mission and being such great advocates for families that need us. Thanks Apex Systems!
TEXAS finishes at 138% of goal ($16,517 raised) and DELTA Region at 120% ($11,740 raised)
GROUP LEADERS (based on % of goal):
- Austin & Fort Worth 238% ($9,744 raised)
- Nashville & Memphis 230% ($4,138 raised)
- Birmingham, Pens, N.O, Jackson, Huntsv ($3,143 raised)
- Houston, OKC, & Tulsa ($4,135 raised)
- Atlanta ($4,459 raised)
- Dallas ($2,638 raised)
- Katie Thomas $1,286 Birmingham
- Kevin Stremsterfer- $1,017 Austin
- Vanessa Harper $887- Houston
- Aaron Key $706- Austin
- Taylor Fontaine $677 Austin
- Sara Kinard-Moyd- $620 Nashville
- Andrew Visintine $599- Austin
- Shea Cuthbertson $583 Austin
- DJ Linn $456 Fort Worth
- Brianna Halpern $438- Atlanta
- Christy Dennison $402 Austin
- Natalie Mason $394 Atlanta
- Tatiana Claros $378 Austin
- Ali Meurer $363- Austin
- Kelsey Bramlett $343 Nashville
- Callie Lohse $340- Houston
- Devonny Richey $339- Tulsa
- Ryan Peck $331 – Nashville
- Alicia Rhyne $323- Atlanta
- Andrew Mueller $310 Nashville
- Stephanie Brumley $288 Houston
- Nicole Hamlin $285- Austin
- Ricky Herrera $270- Dallas
- Kim Loberbaum $264- Birmingham
- Lindy Patterson $250- Austin
- Matt Player $250- Birmingham
- Eric Fillebaum $250- Birmingham
- Reece Belmondo $229- Nashville
- David Ricardo $225- Atlanta
- Sara Neumeier $220 Fort Worth
- Jon Giles $219- Dallas
- Kyle Flinn $219- Austin
- Julianne Reynolds $204 Birmingham
- Rachel Galvanin $204 Fort Worth
- Olivia Newman $202- Nashville